
Friday, 27 May 2011

Week 4 Reflection

What: This week we have been doing handwriting we have been working on linking. The year 4's and 5's have been doing swimsafe while the year 6s are in class doing I.T. They have been linking their blog on to other classes around the school.
So What: Today we went to swimsafe they taught me how to swim properly.
Now What: My goal is to get my work finished on time.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Week 3 Reflection

What: We did P.E. It was fun. We were playing a game of multi sports. It was fun. We won it was callengene but in the end we won. The next day we went swimming at the Splash Center. It was fun.
So what: I learnt how to swim properly and when I swim I know how to breath.
Now what: I want to get my work finised on time.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week we started doing P.E. We do it every morning now. This morning we played tag on the playground heaps of people hurt themselves. Plus we did a disaster BP Technology Challenge.
So what: In keeping ourselves safe I learnt that we need to have to rules in our house. We learnt how to blend.
Now what: I would like to play tag on the playground.