WHAT: On Tuesday the whole senior school had athletics, we did lots of activities like high jump and long jump. I came second in sprints and second in long distance and 5th in all the other events like shot put high jump, long jump and vortex. On Wednesday Room 15 went to badminton Me and Elazaey went to room 2 because we didn't bring any money. On Thursday we did Kapa Haka and we learnt a wiata for our leavers assembly. On Friday we did a writing sample about badminton. Our Habits of mind this week is finding humour.
SO WHAT: This week I learnt that vortex are quite hard to throw because they are light and when you throw them they don't go that far.
NOW WHAT: My goal next week is to get my work done on time and hand it in. Next week I want to do a BP Challenge.
hi my names james and was athletics fun and in sa we have a day called sport day that a day were are school does athletics and i have a dog named bones