
Friday, 16 November 2012

Week 5 Reflection

WHAT: On Tuesday the whole senior school had athletics, we did lots of activities like high jump and long jump. I came second in sprints and second in long distance and 5th in all the other events like shot put high jump, long jump and vortex. On Wednesday Room 15 went to badminton Me and Elazaey went to room 2 because we didn't bring any money. On Thursday we did Kapa Haka and we learnt a wiata for our leavers assembly. On Friday we did a writing sample about badminton. Our Habits of mind this week is finding humour.

SO WHAT: This week I learnt that vortex are quite hard to throw because they are light and when you throw them they don't go that far.

NOW WHAT: My goal next week is to get my work done on time and hand it in. Next week I want to do a BP Challenge.

My Logo Culvert

For the last few weeks we have been working on our contract. I chose a logo for my CO2 car. This is mine.

School Athletics

On Tuesday Carlton school did athletics. We did a lot of activities like high jump, long jump, long distance, sprints and more. It went all the way till lunch. The first activity we did was shot put. The second activity we did was sprints. Next we moved onto long distance. Then we did high jump which was quite hard. After we did vortex Cole threw it the longest. Lastly we did long jump and I lost. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Week 3 Reflection

WHAT: On Monday we did what's on top I shared about how Tarron, Mum, Marcus and me went to Daytona while my sister and bailey went to lollipops land. We also had bike safety with constable Val and we did a obstacle course with ladders and sharp U turns. On Tuesday we went swimming, the people that were allowed were the people that were finished and I had just finished but I didn't bring my togs so me and Keylen got the costumes from wearable arts and put them into the skip bin then when we went back into the swimming pool. I asked Mrs Larsen what are those little bikes in the corner and she said I don't know you can have a turn and I said thanks. On Wednesday we went to badminton when we first got there we did our stretches. Then we had a warm up game where we did paper scissors rock and if you lost you had to run away from the person that won. On Thursday we had swimming again but I forgot my togs. Our Habit of Mind is Taking Responsible Risks. My last weeks goal I did not complete because I didn't get my work done on time.

SO WHAT: I learnt that its very hard to control a little kiddie cart from the juniors, you have to use the handle bars to move it.

NOW WHAT: My goal this week is to get king on the wall of fame. Next week I want to do a game of tackle for fun time.


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Fantastic Four

Our Habit of Mind is Taking Responsible Risks. We got to choose any book that we read and say if there is a responsible or irresponsible character. I have chosen Michael Chiklis from the Fantastic Four book. Michael Chiklis is a irresponsible person because he punches through walls and punches people.