
Monday, 29 October 2012

CO2 Cars

On Tuesday last week Room 15 has been designing CO2 cars. First we drew it on a piece of paper and draw your own design and your name. My cars name is Demon. The colours are blue and green with a Demon logo on the side with lightning on the top and the bottom of the Demon. It looks awesome. Instead of just Room 15 racing each other we wrote a letter to Room 5 and 6 to see if they want to have a CO2 car race off and they accepted it. Room 15 has way more experience at shaping and racing the CO2 cars it will be a real challenge for those two classes.


  1. wow, fantastic, jeez you must have a really hard time doing that I guess.
    Can I ask if you could put a picture of your co2 car on your blog?
    If you can then thanks.

  2. really good Brandin, since you posted a comment on mine so i thought of commenting something on yours.I like your blog but for this one i think it would go better with a picture of the co2 car
